Kimberly Rimbey

Kimberly Rimbey (she/her) is a lifelong teacher and learner. Her heart’s work centers on equipping teachers and helping them fall in love with teaching and learning over and over again. Kim’s interests include high-quality professional learning models including Building Thinking Classrooms, building conceptual understanding through multiple representations and meaningful discourse, and building pedagogical content knowledge that goes beyond the theoretical and into the classroom. Always a teacher at heart, Kim has served in many teaching and leadership capacities within school districts, organizations, and the private sector.
Everything Kim has done in her career is based on what she learned during her 18 years as a mathematics coach and elementary classroom teacher. Having started her teaching career as a kindergarten teacher, she frequently says that everything she needed to know about teaching, she learned in kindergarten. Kim is National Board Certified in Early Adolescent Mathematics, and she is a recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching. She is the co-inventor of KP® Ten-Frame Tiles and has authored and co-authored several publications, including Meaningful Small Groups in Math, Grades K-5 (Corwin 2022), the Mastering Math Manipulatives series (Corwin 2021), The Amazing Ten Frame Series (KP Mathematics), and Math Power: Simple Solutions for Mastering Math (Rodel Foundation of Arizona, 2014). Kim earned her BA in Elementary Education and Mathematics from Grand Canyon University, her Med degrees in Early Childhood Education and Educational Leadership from Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University, and her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from Arizona State University. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona.